Friday, February 19, 2010

Birthday Excitment

This summer for my seventeenth birthday my mom agreed to letting me get a tattoo. The tattoo I chose to get was the Deathwish logo, it'll be going on my shin it's gonna be Royal Purple and Red with a Black out lining it's gonna be so sick! Tell me what one of your birthday gift you got and how excited you were. I'll be interested of any other ideas for ink also.


  1. have fun with that, I'm getting a tattoo on my 18th, yin yang sign with fire coming off the black and water coming off the white, on my shoulder blade, gonna look sweet

    hey you gotta edit your link.
    I'm Rj, my blog has been hacked, or there was a glitch but long story short, I had to make a new blog
    Its at

  2. im getting my zodiac sign when i turn 18 probable on the back of my right sholder
    it would probably look something like this but on my back
